Ernesto Gutierrez, MD
Ernesto Gutierrez, MD

As a physician (MD) I helped develop regenerative medicine treatment protocols for conditions such as autism, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's, and other neurodegenerative disorders.

I grew a stem cell practice to 7+ figures in revenue, served as COO at a biotech manufacturer and distributor, and was a trainer and speaker on stem cell therapeutics.

Then, in 2018, I gave it all up.

I walked away from a high-paying job to work for myself. I wanted to build a business that served the lifestyle I craved, instead of trying to enjoy a lifestyle conditioned by my business…

So my family and I flew out to Alicante, Spain to spend the summer here with my wife's family while we figured things out. Years later, we're still here. Living the life we designed.

Now I:

Build digital products for healthcare entrepreneurs.

Coach doctors and other subject-matter experts to achieve the lifestyle they want.

I'm also on LinkedIn, Twitter , and Instagram if you'd like to follow my journey. You can drop me an email at

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Connect with Ernesto Gutierrez, MD
Ernesto Gutierrez, MD

Ernesto Gutierrez, MD

I help experts build businesses aligned with their true life goals • Physician - Retired at 37 • Full-Time Dad & Husband 🤟🏻