NBS #11: The Secret to Getting More Value Out Of Your Content
Hey there,
This week I want to share with you the secret to getting more value out of your content.
The reason is because most experts who start building a lifestyle business realize they need to create some sort of audience online. And the simplest (and cheapest) way to do so is by creating –and posting!– valuable content on platforms like LinkedIn, X, Instagram, YouTube, etc…
At first it’s all new and exciting.
But as time goes on and the novelty wears off, the reality of this digital hamster wheel takes hold. You learn how difficult it is to come up with things to say and, dare-I-say, keep your audience entertained / engaged.
This is where you start skipping a day here and there… Which turn into a few days straight… Into weeks… And before you know it you’ve dropped the towel and restarting is much harder than when you didn’t know how hard it’d be… (ask me how I know… 🙈 )
There is one simple way to never run out of steam while staying on topic: repurposing your content.
And in this post I’ll share with you 5 ways (and a bonus one) in which you can give new life to your old content.