NBS #14: Why Journaling Is My Secret Weapon for Success (And How To Start Using It)
This week I’m revealing why journaling is my secret weapon for success, what kept me from journaling sooner, and how you can start your own journaling practice.
I’m not exaggerating when I say journaling is the one thing that’s made the biggest difference in my life -and business- in the last decade.
You read that right. The biggest difference in my life did not come from a course, seminar or training. Or from a coach, a mentor, or a consultant.
And funnily enough, it’s something I could’ve been doing since well before I was in a position to afford courses, mentors, consultants and anything else you might have thought about.
Now, if you’re not the journaling type, I know you’re about to move on to the next email in your inbox but if you hang on for another minute or so, I think I can help you reconsider.
Journaling Is My Secret Weapon
You see, just a couple of years ago, I too was a non-journaler. I used to roll my eyes whenever someone mentioned journaling as a “great practice”. I remember…