NBS #19: 3 Content Marketing Mistakes Costing You Clients (And How to Fix Them Today)
You already know content marketing is the best way to generate clients for your lifestyle business.
But there are 3 content marketing mistakes that are costing you clients, and you don’t even know it…
So in today’s post, I am sharing with you what helped me transform my own content, as well as generate millions of dollars in new business for my clients.
These are the 3 content marketing mistakes that are costing you clients:
- Using too much jargon and technical language
- Writing for an audience and not for an individual
- Trying to always create entirely new content
But it’s not enough to know what the content marketing mistakes are.
You also need to know how to fix them. Which is exactly what I’m going to share with you today. Because I want you to confidently -and consistently- put out great content and get more clients.
Let’s dive in!